Waves of Success
Riding high on waves of success, Noble Ox attracts amazing clients. We work with real experts who know their stuff about life’s essentials. Like water, for example.

Water, water everywhere…
We’ll soon be making waves and harnessing water power. More to come on that, as the project unfolds. Meanwhile, let us navigate you through some of the exceptional work of Noble Ox clients.Noble Ox is proud and privileged to work with real experts, scientists and development specialists who really know what they’re talking about.
Whatever the project, first and foremost, we start with the all important brand definition. This process helps us find the right language to tell the truth and engage on a human level. We’re then able to bring that brand to life. Whether through brochure copywriting, logo and/or website design, we help each client chart their distinctive, confident course and communicate their life-saving messages.
And have we learned a thing or two along the way…!
Did you know?
- Did you know at least every other breath we take come from the oceans? Like plants, plankton photosynthesise and play an essential role in absorbing the planet’s carbon dioxide and producing oxygen.
- Did you know in many developing countries, the poorest are paying up to 50% of their daily income on water?
- Did you know two billion people use a drinking-water source that’s contaminated? And 159 million people drink unfiltered water directly from surface sources such as streams and lakes? World Health Organisation.
BUT did you also know that all the above can be fixed?
Meet Clean Water Wave
The Clean Water Wave vision is clear. Clean, safe drinking water can and should be within everyone’s reach, wherever they live. And their mission is simple. Clean, safe water for 10 million people within the next 10 years.
Clean Water Wave integrates sustainable, low maintenance filtration technology with a commitment to local communities, in-country partnerships and a social enterprise approach. This ensures clean, safe drinking water is locally affordable, even in the most hard-to-reach areas.
Discover how robust technology and common sense can save lives with a sustainable affordable supply of clean safe drinking water AND create jobs and self-sufficient communities through social entrepreneurship.
Find out more about the Clean Water Wave approach >>
In collaboration with our partners at Transform Creative, Noble Ox was commissioned to work with Clean Water Wave to direct the briefing process and then create the language for their brochure. Dr. Stephanie Terreni Brown, Managing Director of Clean Water Wave, talked about the Noble Ox approach,
“In developing our inaugural brochure, Charlotte was invaluable. She has a friendly and focussed process of talking through our vision and mission, and working iteratively to achieve the end result. She deftly takes complex ideas and turns them into something focused and compelling. I wouldn’t hesitate to work with Noble Ox again.”
Meet the GOES Foundation
The GOES Foundation is taking urgent action to lead the essential sea change needed to restore plankton levels. GOES is a team of thinking, breathing, well-connected human beings working worldwide to halt the poisoning of the oceans.
Universal sea change requires global engagement. AND it’s easy for you to help. Whether you’re in a position of influence, sailing the oceans or simply keen to change your buying habits to protect the world you live in, it’s time to change – go non-toxic!
Find out more about the GOES Foundation >>
Noble Ox was asked to help bring the GOES Foundation to life. This time we were able to really help the client get to grips with their brand definition. In turn, this essential groundwork paved the way for the rest of the project which included the Visual Identity and Brochure Design.
Dr Howard Dryden, Chief Scientific Officer of GOES, appreciated the Noble Ox approach,
“Charlotte probably doesn’t realise how incredibly helpful she was in helping us distil the key messages and prioritise the work the GOES Foundation is undertaking. She has boundless energy and patience. Her time management and focus helped us deliver on a tight timeline, she even managed to make it fun!“
Waves of success
This Noble Oxtale is called Waves of Success for a reason. For Noble Ox, success is about doing this kind of work. It’s about helping people and organisations who can effect change on a personal, local and/or global level.
Water has been a main feature of the Noble Ox track record over the years. Our work in this area started with a series of brand definition, visual identity, copywriting, brochure design and website builds with Water Witness International and Common Futures.
Dr Nick Hepworth, director of both Water Witness and Common Futures, talked about his experience of working with Noble Ox,
“Establishing a new entity is a daunting prospect, so working with Noble Ox has been brilliant. We knew we were in safe hands from the start.”
“Listening with sensitivity and perception, and showing great patience throughout, Charlotte led us through the branding process. From there, Noble Ox devised a bold, robust online approach and delivered a fantastic visual identity and website. Now we stand out from the crowd in a way that truly reflects what we do and the way we do it, giving us a solid foundation for the future.”
Because we’re all downstream
The phrase because we’re all downstream had a big impact when we were working with Water Witness International. It is taken from William McDonough’s quote “In planetary terms, we’re all downstream.” McDonough is an architect and globally recognised leader in sustainable development, but you don’t need to be either to understand the logic of what he’s saying.
Nor does it take the powerful words of Rachel Carson in her book The Sea Around Us, but then again…
“Fish, amphibian, and reptile, warm-blooded bird and mammal-each of us carries in our veins a salty stream in which the elements sodium, potassium, and calcium are combined in almost the same proportions as in sea water.”
“It is a curious situation that the sea, from which life first arose should now be threatened by the activities of one form of that life. But the sea, though changed in a sinister way, will continue to exist; the threat is rather to life itself.”.
If you work for or know of an organisation that could also benefit from our input, please get in touch with Noble Ox.
We’d love to help.
And finally…
Five more minutes to spare? Then spend them with this extraordinarily beautifully video of essential life below the ocean waves. Full screen and sound up both highly recommended!
2016 Oscar® nominated Best Original Song “MANTA RAY” written and performed by Academy Award® nominated composer J. RALPH and Academy Award® Nominated artist ANOHNI (F.K.A. ANTONY of Antony and the Johnsons) for the feature documentary “Racing Extinction” by Oscar winning director Louie Psihoyos (The Cove). Co-Produced by Arthur Pingrey Ⓒ Ⓟ 2015 Rumor Mill Records.