In your shoes
Some people love shoes; Noble Ox loves words. Putting myself in your shoes, however, is essential.
But what’s that got to do with digital marketing?
One of the great things about being Noble Ox is the variety of what we do. No two days or weeks are the same. Recently, we’ve had a welcome surge in demand for digital content projects. It’s a welcome surge because, quite simply, writing is one of our favourite things to do.
The work ranges from website scoping to help shape a company’s future content strategy, hosting the Noble Ox ‘Website Essentials’ workshop for business start-ups, to a commission to write the content for a new website. These new jobs are in addition to our regular work writing client blog and newsletter content.
So what about the shoes?
When it comes to any marketing, including digital marketing, the ability to put yourself in the shoes of others really is essential.
Sounds obvious, I know, but how many times have you landed on a website and couldn’t easily find what you were looking for?
This is because you, and what you’re looking for, weren’t given the thought and priority required when the website was briefed, built and the content prepared. Perhaps it has also been left to stagnate since, so the content is no longer working hard enough. In other words, those responsible for the site have stayed comfy in their own shoes or, more realistically, they’re too busy with other stuff.
Now this befuddles me as a seasoned marketing type. But when you’re either up against it or a wee bit too cosy in the aforementioned footwear, it can be tricky dedicating some serious thought to who your target audiences are, what they’re looking for and why.
Sometimes, taking a breath to look from the outside in is almost perceived as a luxury as opposed to a necessity!
All about you?
Here’s the thing. To be honest, your website and its content is not all about you!
It’s all about them and what they’re looking for. Then, it’s about what you can do to help make their life easier and even more enjoyable.
Once this penny drops and you start putting yourself in their shoes, life (and your marketing) will become much easier for them and you.
Of course it would be easier still if you contact Noble Ox.
That’s what I’d do if I were in your shoes…